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33rd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis

2017-03-26 13:00 - 2017-03-29 18:00
NH Noordwijk Conference Centre Leeuwenhorst Hotel - Langelaan 3
2211 XT Noordwijkerhout, Nederland

MSB 2017 embodies an interactive forum for the discussion of cutting-edge research on the frontiers of separation science, spanning fundamental theory/method/technology development to high-impact applications relevant to health, medicine, food and the environment.

MSB 2017 centers on science and people by creating a confidential ambience that ensures vigorous exchange between delegates. The attractive conference format features:

- A program built for over 70% from submitted abstracts;
- A double-blind peer review process ensuring top science regardless reputation and seniority;
- Oral presentations with 1/3 of the time reserved for active discussion;
- Topic sessions introduced and chaired by leading researchers;
- A one-day track (Bio)Pharma-meets-Microscale-Separation-Science;
- A young-investigator session with rising stars in microscale separations;
- Poster sessions with selected 3-minute talks;
- Science Café lunch seminars by vendors presenting advances in commercial separation technology;
- Registration including lunches, opening&closing receptions and symposium dinner;
- A scenic venue in ‘the largest flower garden of Europe’ near coastal dunes;

MSB 2017 will feature stimulating pre-conference short-courses, distinguished plenary speakers and a parallel program of diverse topics with presentations along three main themes in Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis.


All Dates

  • From 2017-03-26 13:00 to 2017-03-29 18:00

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