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BePA introduction: What can proteomics do for you?

2019-09-02 08:00 - 2019-09-05 18:00
Het Rustpunt - Burgstraat 46, 9000 Gent

Many researchers use proteomics research as a tool, e.g. in medicine, veterinary sciences, bioengineering, biology, pharmaceutical sciences, ecology and even within art sciences. BePA is organizing workshops for these users. Building on the success of previous workshops, including the one at our BePA meeting 2018, a broad selection of proteomics experts from Ghent will go over the entire workflow from sample preparation, over data acquisition to data analysis. From 2 to 5 September, at Rustpunt , attendees will learn the do’s and don’ts in proteomics and to design their own experiment in order to find an answer to their protein-related questions.

The workshop will show (young) researchers what the capabilities of proteomics are. For those preparing a project defence (e.g. FWO), the course will give the complete overview required to anticipate methodological questions from the jury. For starters, we focus on the different steps of a robust experimental design, so that they will learn the shortest route to the answer to their biological questions on proteins. For students in the final stage of their PhD, who used proteomics along the way, we provide everything they need to know for their PhD defence. Attendees will in no way become experts in proteomics or mass spectrometry. However, as they collaborate with a dedicated proteomics lab (in Ghent), this course will teach them the language to communicate and think along.


Alle datums

  • Van 2019-09-02 08:00 tot 2019-09-05 18:00

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