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BioBusiness Summer School

2021-06-28 09:00 - 2021-07-02 17:00
WCW Amsterdam
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Are you considering a career outside of academia, wish to gain a better understanding of BioBusiness, broaden your network or even start your own company? Join BioBusiness Summer School and find out what the fascinating world of BioBusiness has to offer!

Discover the fascinating world of BioBusiness
BioBusiness Summer School will help you obtain an overview of what career options there are in BioBusiness, gain understanding of the essential elements of BioBusiness, and possibly identify an interest in a specific field that is previously unknown. By immersing yourself in the business aspects of Life Sciences in five days, you will gain insight in the world of Life Sciences companies first hand from the experts, meet prominent business leaders, expand your international network, and, while doing so, explore the lively city of Amsterdam and the inspiring science parks of Leiden and Utrecht.

5 day interactive program featuring
- World-class experts and business leaders from the industry
- Business subjects tailored to Life Science real-life cases
- International networking opportunities

Course objectives
- To get acquainted with the main subjects in BioBusiness
- To gain insight into participants’ own interests and capabilities
- To meet and learn from experts and business leaders in Bio industry

Participant Profile
- PhD candidates, post-doctoral fellows and master’s students in the field of Life Sciences
- Scientists in their first industry jobs
- Scientists interested in BioBusiness and/or starting their own company

- Apply soon as places are limited!
- Take advantage of our early bird fee by registering before March 31st, 2021
- Early bird fee: € 1,049 (including VAT) Standard fee: € 1,199,- (including VAT)

The fee includes access to world-class lectures and workshops, carefully selected course materials, coffee/tea, lunch and social program. Breakfast, evening meals, accommodation and transportation are not included. Your participation is secured once the invoice is paid.

Application deadline: June 6th, 2021



Alle datums

  • Van 2021-06-28 09:00 tot 2021-07-02 17:00

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