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ESOC 2021

2021-07-05 00:00 - 2021-07-06 00:00

While we have been preparing very actively the 22nd edition of ESOC scheduled to take place in Ghent in July 2021, we have had to take into account the uncertainty of the development of the sanitarian situation due to Covid-19. Therefore, and together with the ESOC International Committee, the decision has been taken to postpone the full symposium in Ghent to July 2023.

To meet, at least in part, the expectations of many of you who looked forward to participating in this 2021 symposium, we decided to organise a fully virtual two-day mini-symposium to close the gap until the next edition. This virtual event will have four sessions, with four invited plenary speakers and a large number of oral communications selected from submitted abstracts. All participants will also be invited to participate in the virtual poster session which will be open all day, together with the virtual exhibition hall. Several opportunities to exchange virtually will allow to create interaction between symposium participants.

We look forward to welcoming you at the European Symposium on Organic Chemistry Mini Virtual Symposium that will take place on July 5-6, 2021 in a fully digital setting.

As all ESOC editions, this prestigious conference aims to bring together scientists from Europe and other parts of the world to share their interests in the field of organic chemistry at large. The programme will be designed to attract organic chemists both from academia and industry.

Johan Van der Eycken and Erik Van der Eycken
ESOC 2021 Mini Virtual Symposium Chairmen


Alle datums

  • Van 2021-07-05 00:00 tot 2021-07-06 00:00

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