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Going to Zero: Decarbonisation & E-transition

2024-11-21 18:00 - 22:00
VUB, Brussels Humanities, Sciences & Engineering Campus, Building I - Pleinlaan 2 1050 Brussel

18h00: Registration

18h30-18h40: Introduction by Prof. Francis Berghmans - Dean Faculty Engineering Sciences

18h45-19h15:  Co-creating futureproof solutions and technologies for a decarbonised economy by  Prof. dr. ir. Maarten Messagie, VUB's Decarbonisation Institute.

19h15-19h45: Strategy of an integrated energy company towards net zero emissions by Fellow dr. ir. Dirk Roosendans, TotalEnergies

19h45-20h15: Concentrated solar heat for industrial processes by Fellow ir. Koen Vermout, Azteq

20h15-20h30: Q&A + word of thanks

20h30-22h00 Drink


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